Monday, March 22, 2010

Beautiful Monday

Well it is a fabulous Monday in Las Vegas. The weather is an amazing 74 degrees in my backyard resulting in all my windows being thrown open to welcome in the fresh air. Mmmm how I love fresh air in the house, you forget how stale it gets inside until you open everything up. We have some wonderful birds that have taken up residence near our home and they are a twitter all day. It makes for an enjoyable background noise. Lets see... some things that have made this day better.
1. I cut my own bangs. I've been thinking about bangs for a while but every time I go to my stylist he says something like "oh no you do not want bangs, here we will just add some layers on the side." But then I look at all my photos and I have this monstrous forehead, so I just cut my own. Neener neener to my hair stylist.
2. I made a doctors appointment and am able to get in today! I have been extremely moody for a while and I, and Warren, are getting sick of it so I'm getting a physical to see if it is a physical thing or if I am just crazy.
3. I cleaned off a cabinet, tidied up the office, and found Warren's missing cell phone charger. Hurray for me!
4. I found this awesome website thanks to the Perry's blog and I updated my template and learned how to add pages to my blog which will be something to work on.
5. I fit into my t-shirts from like 10 years ago when I was a page at whitney library.
6. I figured out that Eleanor is getting old enough so that she wants solids more and less nursing, I adjusted that today and she is doing great!
7. Along with number 6 I gave Eleanor cut up blueberries and string cheese as a snack and she was so cute to see picking them up and figuring out how to eat them without dropping them in her lap.
8. I was able to put up Ella's jumper in the office doorway so I could clean in the office and she could jump like it was the funnest thing in the world!

So yeah, I am doing good, which is nice because I was kind of depressed when I got up this morning, and that is the annoying thing that I didn't even know why I was depressed. Last week I went jogging three days during the week and I went to my exercise class but even with all those endorphins I was still moody, so I think it is something else, we will see.


  1. I'm impressed with all that you got done! That's something to feel good about:) I think being a stay at home mom is a huge adjustment and can cause depression. It was super hard for me to do at first but then I joined playgroups and even got a part time job. It helped to get some adult interaction and some time away from being "mommy." Also make sure that Warren takes you out for a real date where you have to dress up and go out to eat at a nice place. It totally makes a difference!

  2. P.S. I like the bangs, your hair dresser doesn't know what he's talking about:)


Welcome to Stenderville!

Thanks for stopping by.
My name is Melinda and my husband's name is Warren. We reside in fabulous Las Vegas!
I am a stay at home mom and Warren works for the local Plasterer and Cement Mason Union.
We like to do all kinds of stuff and we like to keep in contact with all our family and friends, so we hope you enjoy our blog and please let us know what you think.

Love to all our family and friends and hope you have a great day!