It has been an eventful week.
On Monday Eleanor went in for her 6 month checkup and shots. They had the h1n1 vaccine so I decided to get it. The first time we got shots Ella slept like all afternoon but not anymore, she just gets cranky. So monday night she didn't sleep well and neither did I of course. Tuesday she was cranky allll day. I think she wanted to sleep but she was fighting the urge. So we just stayed home and cleaned the house.
Tuesday night she slept great but I woke up around 2am and then I couldn't sleep after that. All my joints ached and I felt hot but I didn't have a fever. Where they injected me it got all swollen and red, its like "great lets have all kinds of fun side affects and then I probably wont get sick anyway because I'm at home all the time." Wednesday I made ham for dinner cause I had a hankerin for some ham! I got all my christmas cards mailed out and I finished crocheting and knitting a bunch of my christmas gifts, Yay! I can't tell you what they are in case someone reads this that I am giving them too.
I also made peanut brittle on wednesday and that came out awesome as well. I made it so Warren could give it to his coworkers. It came out great, nice and crunchy but not like hard crunchy were it hurts your teeth.
Today I went to my exercise class in the morning. One of the women in my ward, Maranda, does an exercise class at our church and so we can bring our kids and they can hang out while we work out. She seriously wooped our buttes today, it felt good.
My house feels like a big mess again, it seems to be a continual thing, so annoying. It is also frustrating that everyone's kid is different so even if you ask for advice it doesn't really work because your kid is different from their kid. Like, I am having trouble getting Eleanor into a regular routine because she likes to take little 45 minute naps but then if we are out and about driving in the afternoon she will take a long nap, but if we are at home it is just a little 45 minute nap. So I don't know. She has a sound machine in her room so there is background noise. Then for the past 3 days she doesn't want to go to bed at her usual time of 9pm instead she'll stay up till 9:30-10:00 but I can tell that she is super tired, she just won't fall asleep.
So I don't know.